At Ajanta quality assurance and quality control are given paramount importance. This is where we will never compromise.
Highest importance is given to this area to ensure that only the best of the products reach the customers. Our Quality Assurance (QA) systems harmonize and simplify CGMP processes to ensure sustainable quality culture across all our manufacturing sites. This includes QMS, CAPA, change control, complaint management, deviations, etc. which are reviewed and accepted by stringent regulatory authorities across the world.
The Quality Control (QC) function works as per the guidelines laid down by QA and uses electronic BMR (Batch Manufacturing Records) and LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Software) system for ensuring comprehensive control across the organisation.

We have sophisticated and high-end equipment which gives high degree of precision to make sure that every product manufactured at our facilities are of the highest quality. At Ajanta, we are building and maintaining a strong culture of quality through continuous development, training, and empowerment of employees. We believe that producing safe, high-quality product is responsibility of every Ajantaite.